Gintoki and Okita. Gintama.

A reblogged photoset with a comment on it.

Anonymous: Hi! I'm using your tutorial on the captions but the theme is a big buggy. There are two text posts omg what have I done wrong?


Have you tried save and see the theme on the blog first? When I was editing the caption codes and testing in others blogs it was very buggy as well. Exactly how you said, so please save and check the blog. If the issue insists, let me know, si I can check the code again

a reblogged ask test,  If human is on laptop sit on the keyboard. More napping, more napping all the napping is exhausting head nudges but eat the rubberband yet refuse to leave cardboard box destroy the blinds.




paragraph one, Love try to jump onto window and fall while scratching at wall poop on grasses eat from dog’s food. If human is on laptop sit on the keyboard. More napping, more napping all the napping is exhausting head nudges but eat the rubberband yet refuse to leave cardboard box destroy the blinds. Furrier and even more furrier hairball play riveting piece on synthesizer keyboard but be superior lick butt.

bold, italic, strikethrough, small, link with tooltip. 

blockquote, Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, russian blue licks paws. Lies down sniff all the things lick arm hair. Find a way to fit in tiny box. Have secret plans stares at human while pushing stuff off a table. Intently sniff hand meow meow mama or eats owners hair then claws head. 

a code: 

// some cool script
  window.addEventListener('scroll', function(){
  var side = document.querySelector('.demo');
 var y = window.scrollY;
 if(y > 100){
 side.classList.add('fun'); // do something
  side.classList.remove('fun'); // stop doing something


A single Photo

"Be simpler, and you’re much cuter."
— Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
todorokiscute: Are those your $250 dollar sandals?

lemme use that as my litter box yet pet right here, no not there, here, no fool, right here that other cat smells funny you should really give me all the treats because i smell the best and omg you finally got the right spot and i love you right now. Fall asleep on the washing machine peer out window

My Colors Page on Github. I made a page using display grid and lots of fun javascript codes to make it possible to click on the color’s codes and copy them. It also shows a pop up box / alert box saying the code was successfully copied.


  • one: hello!
  • two: hello!
  • one: bye!
  • two: bye!

Dororo TV Series
OP Song - Kaen

Reblogged audio and a deactivated original user.

Youtube Video